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Committed identity: f2552fdd1c31f7d0fbbe1de72307b280ebb2a362b03650e86a86f0a256b6f8a4aad694e29c6367607e1caf454fcede72c823a9a063fde15a67a7e0064471ee90 is a SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.
User language
zh-Hans-CN-N 陆式简体中文是这位用户的母语
cmn-N This user has a native understanding of Mandarin Chinese.
lzh-1 此君粗通文言也。
en-1 This user has basic knowledge of English.
Users by language
The time of this user now is: 2024-09-28 11:49 UTC+8
This user has an alternative account named Dringsim.
Supporting the definition Free Cultural WorksThis user believes that culture should be free.
This user is non-binary (Q48270) and is currently using */* pronouns.
This user is neurodivergent.
This user has file mover rights on Wikimedia Commons. (verify)
This user is a MediaWiki developer.
This user is active on PHABRICATOR. You can report there, too.
This user has an account and contributes to translatewiki.net.
Tento užívateľ má účet a prispieva do OpenStreetMap.
This editor is an iNatter
This user is crunching numbers using BOINC.
This user contributes using Firefox.
Fediverse userThis user toots on the Fediverse as @dringsim@stelpolva.moe.

Limba noastră-i o comoară
În adîncuri înfundată
Un șirag de piatră rară
Pe moșie revărsată.

— Alexei Mateevici, Limba noastră


— mothyネジと歯車とプライド