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Uživatel:Pavel Bednařík (WMCZ)

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Pavel Bednařík
Pavel Bednařík
Chief Trainer, Partnership Programmes Manager, Wikimedia Czech Republic

About me

I edit officially on Wikimedia projects under the name User:Pavel Bednařík (WMCZ).

My background is in film, appart of WIkimedia CZ I work as an expert on film education. As a member of NGO Association of Film and Audiovisual Education I am trying to support film education on many levels.

I love watching, reading and thinking about films, TV series and other audiovisual work. I love cycling and bicycles, reading books, outdoor activities, networking and meeting people from different countries and backgrounds. I am also member of the Green Party in Czech republic and sustainability is one of my personal aims (among others). There is only one planet to live on!

My work

I live in Olomouc and since 2022 I'm a Chief Trainer of Wikimedia Czech Republic since February 2022. Since December 2023 I also became Partnership Programmes Manager of WMCR.

In Wikimedia Czech Republic, we run three main programs - EDUcational Programs, Programs for Community and and Programs for Partnerships.

Contact me

You can reach me on my talk page here.

You can reach me at my WMCZ email address:

For general concerns about content on Wikipedia or matters related to Wikimedia Czech Republic, contact:

For questions about the Wikimedia Foundation, see Answers

Pavel Bednařík, official photo of WMCR
Pavel Bednařík, non-official photo by Richard Sekerák
User language
cs-N Tento uživatel je rodilý mluvčí češtiny.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
sk-3 Tento užívateľ má pokročilé znalosti slovenčiny.
pl-1 Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie podstawowym.
es-1 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
Users by language